Youth Homelessness

See Also: I Am A Young Person

In addition to the resources below, two special project videos, developed in partnership with Woodgrove Shopping Centre, feature our young people:

  • WATCH: Stories of Hope: Nicholas
    Nicholas has experienced homelessness twice in his youth. With the help of Hope Street, Nicholas was soon able to enter the housing market and get back on his feet. Nicholas is currently studying and working, with aspirations to one day run his own business where he can offer employment to those experiencing homelessness.
  • WATCH: Stories of Hope: Maria
    Maria came to Hope Street after experiencing issues within the family home. Maria entered Hope Street’s Transitional Housing Management program, where she found a stable home and learned valuable life skills, such as cooking and cleaning. Maria encourages others facing tough situations to never give up.
Responding to Youth Homelessness – Hope Street Presentation
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Monday 10 September 2018, 10:04am
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