Hope Street Youth and Family Services provides a suite of services to young people and young families at risk of or experiencing homelessness, in the northern and western metropolitan regions including growth corridors and neighbouring local government areas.
Hope Street Youth and Family Services is a specialist youth focused and client centred organisation committed to the safety of every child and young person accessing its suite of services.
Hope Street has zero tolerance of child abuse, neglect and harm, all aspects of online safety risks including grooming. With all allegations and safety concerns taken very seriously, investigated robustly, consistent with policies and procedures the safety of children and young people are always paramount. The Hope Street team will inform relevant local authorities when concerned about a child or young person’s safety.
All of Hope Street’s programs and services provide safe environments for children and young people accessing them. The Hope Street culture reflects the values and standards of the organisation and its commitment to safety.
The Hope Street team collaborate with local services, the local community, and specialised services to keep children and young people safe in their local community and/or community of choice. This includes Aboriginal services and communities, CALD services, and LGBTIQA+ services, recognising the significance of cultural safety.
Hope Street will maintain and continue its advocacy for a society that respects and ensures the safety of all children, young people, and others in minority groups or who are more at risk of having their safety threatened and/or jeopardised. Hope Street is highly committed to all children and young people being safe, healthy, respected, and supported to reach their full potential and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
All company Directors and members of the Board, staff and contractors are referenced-checked and provide National Police Checks and Working with Children Checks. This is reviewed and monitored by People and Culture and the Risk Management and Compliance Committee of the Board.