Children and Young People with Disability Australia is the national peak body which represents children and young people (0 - 25 years old) with disability.
CHIA Victoria works to support the growth of community housing as the most effective and efficient means of ensuring more disadvantaged Victorians can enjoy the dignity of safe, secure and appropriate housing.
The Council to Homeless Persons was established in 1972 and is the peak Victorian body representing organisations and individuals with an interest in and commitment to ending homelessness.
Domestic Violence Victoria Inc (DV Vic) is the peak organisation representing family violence services across Victoria. DV Vic comprises a membership of around fifty women's family/domestic violence services operating across the state of Victoria.
Homelessness Australia (HA) is the national peak body advocating for people experiencing homelessness in Australia and those who provide services to them. Homelessness Australia works in collaboration with homelessness assistance services, state and national homelessness peak organisations, other peak organisations, government agencies and the broader community.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and other sexuality and gender diverse (LGBTIQ+) people and communities.
No to Violcence is the largest peak body in Australia for organisations and individuals who work with men to end family violence.
VACCHO is the peak Aboriginal health body representing 24 Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) in Victoria. The role of VACCHO is to build the capacity of its membership and to advocate for issues on their behalf. Capacity is built among members through strengthening support networks.
The Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) is the peak body of the social and community services sector in Victoria. The organisation pursues just and fair social outcomes through policy development and public and private advocacy.
The Victorian Public Tenants Association (VPTA), the peak body representing public housing tenants in Victoria, offers counselling, advice, referral, representation and advocacy for public housing tenants and those on the wait list. VPTA seeks to give tenants a voice and to improve and expand the Victorian public housing system.
The Youth Affairs Council of Victoria Inc. (YACVic) is the peak body and leading policy advocate on young people's issues in Victoria. Their vision is for a Victorian community in which all young people are valued as active participants, have their rights recognised and are treated fairly and with respect.