Hope Street Youth and Family Services was one of the first crisis accommodation services for young people in Victoria. Hope Street has 40 years' experience in delivering youth focused programs, services and practice within the homelessness sector.

Hope Street is a leading player in local homelessness networks and has continually demonstrated its commitment to service system reform and best practice. Our agency has a strong record of driving integrated service system development and advocacy for young people and families who are homeless and in crisis in the North and West Region. Demonstrating Hope Street’s capacity, the organisation achieved an outstanding result in meeting all the requirements of the Human Services Standards Accreditation undertaken by QIP in 2022.

Innovative, responsive service delivery

Hope Street has established an innovative service model reflecting a client focus that is strength based, solution focused, integrative and community strengthening. Hope Street has a solid reputation for quality service delivery, sound governance, efficient reporting and accountability models, and strong service networks.

Our agency has developed collaborative partnerships with a wide range of services to improve client outcomes. These partnerships build on internal specialist programs such as HYDDI and Youth Reconciliation. Strong links ensure that a holistic, client centred response is delivered. Hope Street has close links with broader health, community, local government, employment and education sectors.

Research and development

Hope Street was a primary contributor to the development of the Homelessness Youth Focused Practice Framework 2010, developed in partnership with the Victorian Department of Human Services in 2010. The expertise of Hope Street has contributed to the adoption of the Framework achieving a more responsive and youth focused service system.

Hope Street has a robust research, evidence based and policy practice which is guided by Hope Street’s vision, purpose and values. Our research informs the identification, development, delivery of high quality services, practices and policies to continue empowering young people and their families to overcome disadvantage and to achieve their hopes and future goals.

Over many years Hope Street has undertaken research, particularly in the Whittlesea and Melton local government areas focusing on responding to youth homelessness in outer growth corridors, which has enabled our teams, in partnership with stakeholders, to respond to strategic opportunities and progress on systemic change and outcomes for young people and their families.

Hope Street's research is underpinned by a solid partnership with tertiary institutions such as RMIT University and Victoria University. Further information on Hope Street’s research projects and other publications on youth homelessness and relevant issues can be found on our Papers page.

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What They're Saying

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