Ask Izzy helps people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to locate the services they need, right now and nearby. The information available is Australia wide, free and anonymous and can help you find housing, meals, health services, counselling, legal help, addiction help and more — all through your mobile, tablet or computer.
The Homelessness Advocacy Service (HAS) is the key advocacy service for consumers who are homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness. The goal of HAS is to achieve mutually beneficial resolutions for consumers and service providers.
HAS will advocate on your behalf, provide you with accurate information and advise you about your rights.
Homelessness Australia (HA) is the national peak body for homelessness in Australia and provides systemic advocacy for the homelessness sector. Keep up with all the HA news and engage with others about homelessness affecting so many throughout Australia.
Housing services in Victoria are available to everyone however not everyone qualifies for all services. The website does a basic check of your eligibility for services and will not ask questions that identify you.
The Northern & Western Homelessness Networks (NWHNs) are networks of Specialist Homelessness funded services operating in Melbourne's North & West.
As well as offering general information on homelessness assistance, this website facilitates communication between NWHN members, providing them with a range of relevant news and resources.
Tenants Victoria provides advice, assistance and advocacy for tenants of private and public residential properties, and residents of rooming houses and caravan parks in Victoria, Australia.
Youth Homelessness Matters Day is the annual national awareness day for youth homelessness in Australia. It's a day of celebration, learning and understanding. Many people don’t know the impact this issue has on our young people or what to do to help. Engage with others about youth homelessness through this social media site.