The Youth Reconciliation program offers one-to-one counselling and support so that young people can establish and maintain constructive relationships with family and broader support networks.
The program assists young people to:
- avoid entering into a cycle of homelessness as a result of family conflict
- achieve self-reliance, stability and interdependence
- engage in better communication and problem solving
- work through personal issues such as anger, separation, grief and loss, and explore options for positive change
- develop ways to positively resolve conflict, formulate the means to strengthen relationships, and build confidence in reaching their goals and furthering their potential
What does the program offer?
- One-on-one and family counselling support that is confidential, free, voluntary, short term and solution focused
- Living skills workshops that are designed to promote personal growth, responsibility and self management
- Community Development in the form of networking, presentations, workshops, and provision of information related to homelessness, early intervention and prevention
- Mediation and facilitation of family meetings that support young people to re-establish contact with family, and/or to maintain and strengthen significant relationships
- Secondary Consultation and team support for Hope Street staff to ensure an holistic approach to service delivery
How can young people enter this program?
Young people must be:
- 16 - 25 years of age—priority will be given to those 19 years and under
- (at risk of) experiencing homelessness
- linked to the North and North-West Metropolitan region of Melbourne
- able to identify any family member (or appropriate person) as having a significant influence on their close relationships, wellbeing or security
Please contact your nearest access point(s) listed on this page to find out more about entering this program.
Learn more about the young people supported, and our impact, from our latest Annual Report.